We imagine that almost everything is ready for the wedding. You’re probably filled with nerves and excitement. Becoming anxious or stressed could sometimes be inevitable. Of course you want to make this day fun and stress free, so it's important to keep your state of mind calm. Planning your big day doesn’t need to be rife with any conflict! If you know that everything you need is in one organized bag, you will feel much more ready for any problem.

First, you should organize everything you’re going to need in one bag and make sure a good friend or someone who is going to be with you all day is there to keep the bag organized so you don’t find yourself looking for things between different bags. This person will be there to make sure everything will always be available for you.
Here’s the checklist of everything you’ll need:
Do not forget to eat and drink, even if you feel that you really do not feel like it! We know how hard it is to remember to eat on such a busy and moving day. Even a small fruit or a few nuts will do the trick. Be sure to drink lots of water! It’s not the most pleasant thing to go to the bathroom wearing your dress, but you really do not want a headache on this day for lack of drinking.
2. Pain Killers
Just in case you didn’t eat or drink enough or you didn’t sleep enough, one of the lenders would eat your head... Advil or Norfolk at hand could never hurt.
3. Charger and cell phone
Your phone will probably have a great deal of use on this day---you'll be looking for family, suppliers, companies in order to keep them updated! A few selfies wouldn’t be so bad either!
5. Sunglasses
Most of the photographs will start at light hours and it is nice to attach them as a nice accessory for the photos.
6. Kalia wipes or a tide stick for the dress
For any accident or spill you may encounter, this will do the trick and get any mess right out!.
7. Touch Up Pack
A small makeup bag with only things you really need (consult with the makeup artist). It’s good to stay fresh throughout the whole event.
8. Needle and thread
Just to be on the safe side ... You should also add a safety pin.
9. Refreshing gum
This will also help you keep you feeling fresh all day or night.
10. Phone list of all suppliers
Make a neat list in a small notebook or just on a page of all the numbers you think you might need during the time. It’s important to make sure that the numbers of anyone you may want to be in contact with is accessible and available.
11. Envelopes with money to suppliers
It is recommended to be ready a few days in advance and have prepared envelopes with payments to everyone who needs it on the same day - i.e. tips for the waiters (give them a personal tip), a photographer and an envelope with money for a taxi back home.
12. Keys to the house
After a wonderful time you want to make sure you are able to go into the comfort of your own home.
13. The rings
Because obviously you do not want to forget them at home ...
14. A Change of Clothes
If you’re not sleeping at home after, have extra clothes and necessities so you don’t have to go back home.
Good Luck & Don't Forget To Enjoy The Day!